Guests, know your rights.

A single, bad experience between guests and neighbors can sour the community on home sharing. As a guest, it’s important to follow all house rules to provide for a respectful stay during your time in the neighborhood.

Guest Courtesy

  • Strict, enforceable noise ordinance. Owners provide for continuous noise level monitoring to an objective standard.
  • Over-occupancy carries a penalty on the main guest which may be taken to small claims court. Owners provide for outside security cameras to monitor the occupancy limit in the lease.
  • Firearms are not allowed in a short-term rental (STR).
  • Wildfire risks can be eliminated with a combination of education, civil and criminal penalties. No wood burning fires allowed. Smoking only in areas with no flammable grass or trees within a certain distance. Ash buckets provided.
  • Law enforcement can be called to immediately remove guests if they violate house rules and refuse the owner’s request to vacate the property.
  • Proper trash etiquette in wildlife areas are communicated to guests with owners providing bear-proof facilities for garbage.
  • Parking anywhere besides the permitted places has penalties charged by the owners that would be enforceable in small claims court.
  • Neighbors should be provided with a 24/7 hotline to pass along any violations or negative impacts to owners who provide quick, onsite responses to any tips.

Balanced, effective regulations that are easily-enforced provides a win for everyone. If owners, neighbors and guests are all responsible for protecting the rights of others then there is an opportunity for everyone to be better off.

Read the Home Sharing Bill of Rights